Ancestry family tree maker 2014 download
Ancestry family tree maker 2014 download

ancestry family tree maker 2014 download

The smaller data bases loaded and worked ok on the Window 10. On line searching says I need to have the computer adjust this or I do It manually. Now it tries for over 2 hours and then FTM stops responding at about 80 to 90 % loaded. It takes about 10 minutes to load it into FTM 2014 the first time. I just bout a windows 10 computer and both versions work on it for small data bases, But the large data base will not load into or access by these 2 versions of FTM. They both work of on all data bases in compatability mode on my windows 7 computer. My biggest data base has 334,000 people in it. I’m using FTM version on XP and Vista computers. Family Tree Maker 2008 to 2014 - by Ancestry Review by JGM,

Ancestry family tree maker 2014 download